außer der reihe
11. March 2017 - 18. June 2017
Mr. Bickford discovers a new land

Bruce Bickford
Bruce Bickford
Foto: Petr Maur
Bruce Bickford, born in Seattle in 1947, is one of those artists who deserve a big audience but are almost exclusively recognized in their very specific niche. Bickford is almost lucky, because he is featured in not one but two niches: that of Frank Zappa aficionados and that of clay animation connoisseurs.
Foto: Alex Maness

After his career peak when working with Frank Zappa in the late seventies, where he animated for movies like „Baby Snakes“ or „The Amazing Mr. Bickford“, attention dwindled, with the occasional spark of public interest. Which has not kept Bruce from continuously working on his immensely intricate and surreal stream-of consciousness clay and line animations. His love for detail is mind staggering and it is hard to imagine how Bickford, who will turn seventy in 2017, manages to keep up the quality, the inventiveness and the sheer quantity of his output.

Highway Billboard (Pappmodell)
Highway Billboard (Pappmodell)
Foto: Alex Maness

His recently published works include the movies „Prometheus' Garden“ (2008) and „Cas'l“ (2015), and he is currently working on other animated projects as well as on a graphic novel, all out of his home in Seattle. In recent years, interest in his work has increased and he has had exhibitions and screenings in selected galleries and at festivals in the USA, Canada and Japan. The Stadthaus is looking forward to present original clay models, paper sculptures, films and drawings from his career spanning five decades, possibly including some brand new works, to the general public. Bruce Bickford is scheduled to appear in person, and you'll be able to see him at work in the exhibition.
German TV 3sat Kulturzeit 13 March, 2017: ZDF Mediathek
German TV SWR Kulturmagazin "Kunscht"
23 March: SWR Mediathek

Bruce Bickford zeichnet
Bruce Bickford zeichnet
Zeichnung: Bruce Bickford

Samstag, 11. März, 20 Uhr
Jürgen Grözinger meets Bruce Bickford
Filme "Monster Road" (80 Min.), "Prometheus‘ Garden" (27 Min.), "Cas‘l" (48 Min.), DJ-Sets, Live film sounds
in der Kradhalle Ulm

Bruce Bickford
Bruce Bickford